Canadian Immigration plan 2022 – 2024 for new Permanent Residents – UPDATE

The Canadian government announced its update on the 2022-2024 Immigration Levels Plan, increasing the immigration targets for new permanent residents to 431,645 in 2022, 447,055 in 2023 and 451,000 in 2024.

The main takeaway of this announcement is that Economic programs will admit 56% of the total new permanent residents, and the Family class targets 24%. The rest of the quota is reserved for refugees and other categories.

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) will be the main economic stream of admissions in 2022, with a target of 83,500.

Express Entry‘s admissions will be down by half compared to the last year. IRCC is currently issuing invitations only to the PNP category, CEC invitations could resume in the second half of 2022, but the CRS score will probably be high. The Express Entry admissions will most likely return to the pre-covid levels in 2024. 

Atlantic Immigration Program will invite over 6,000 applicants.

Over 10,000 Caregivers can expect to receive their permanent residency in 2022. The government is increasing this quota each year.

Family class plans to welcome 80,000 new permanent residents in the Spouses, Partners and Children category each year. The quota for Parents and Grandparents will be increasing from 25,000 in 2022 to 32,000 in 2024. We have seen a shorter processing time for these applications with the new online portals.

Start-UP Visa and Self-employed persons – There is a significant increase in admissions; therefore, the processing time may increase.

Our suggestion: If you are in the Express Entry pool, it may take you longer than expected to receive an Invitation To Apply for permanent residency. You will probably need to obtain a new work permit or look at options in your province. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to find the most feasible option for your situation.

2 comentarios

    1. Buenos dias, Humberto.
      Gracias por su mensaje.
      Soy asesora de inmigración regulada y me especializo en el área de inmigración económica y de familia.
      Hay varios tipos de permisos de trabajo o estudio y varias maneras como obtener la residencia permanente dependiendo de su situación (país de origen, edad, experiencia y educación). En la mayoría de los casos se necesita tener una oferta de trabajo para solicitar primero un permiso de trabajo.
      Si desea, ofrezco consultas privadas en línea de media hora por $89 para evaluar su caso y elegir la mejor opción. Los clientes me rellenan un cuestionario y envían su currículum para programar la consulta. El costo de la consulta se descuenta del precio final del trámite si contrata mis servicios. Estoy basada en Vancouver, pero trabajo en línea. Hay más que 100 programas de inmigración y varios tipos de permisos de trabajo en Canadá, hay que elegir el más adecuado para cada situación. Que tenga un bonito dia. Saludos, Hana

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